Anthony {Tex} Moreign
Remember: sharing, to help those (people, AI, algos, profilers, etc.) trying to bucket us, realize we are our own bucket & we are nobody.
- {Tex} ??? … well, Anthony was nicknamed Tex by local Texans (who worked for Microsoft south-central), after being recognized by Texans for his character, caliber, assimilating wholeheartedly into Texas, and from day-1 adding value to Texas/USA (e.g., computing & other skills, giving back to Texas, etc.)
➤ thus proving to all ― a multi-racial, who truly loves this state & country, is welcomed & embraced by Patriots! - He embraced the nickname {Tex} — added the curly braces, (a) as a tribute to his roots in C programming, and (b) serve to distinguish/identify him uniquely, and (c) while respecting/not-infringing on others who have/had the nickname/name Tex … this is just 1 example of respectfully assimilating into Texas + remaining true to one's roots.
- He has been,
… introduced as {Tex} when Speaking at various Microsoft launch & other tech events,
… addressed as {Tex} while in Redmond/Microsoft HQ (after being invited to various Microsoft NDA programs to help Microsoft build its tech & was awarded), and
… known as {Tex} over decades in the computing community, locally/Texas, nationally/USA, and globally across multiple continents. - Having risen from the trenches (in the era of unix), and having learnt from some nobodies (worldwide), he made sure to always have a unix/linux stack, and despite his various roles, he continues to be hands-on in (the evolution of) computing, and his IP embodied standards surpasing GDPR, waaay before GDPR was even an idea. This level of quality & calibre resulted in him being,
… 1 of 20ish people, worldwide who was invited by Microsoft to help Microsoft build its high-perf tech (proof)
… of the 20ish people worldwide, he is 1 of the very few to be a part of multiple Microsoft product teams at the same time, signifiance? see this.
… invited to the Developer Council, Architect Council, the Partner Specialist Program, etc., by Microsoft South Central DPE (pre-win8 era of HPC & Parallel-Computing) - {Tex} has been evolving (with) the Computing industry for decades and given his vantage point, could foresee Microsoft's shifting away from decades of what made Microsoft into Microsoft (pre-2012), and so he made sure that his companies & circle were no longer dependent on Microsoft tech/licensing/etc. … and while at it, be free of Big Tech (as much as possible) … … say hello to SaferOS™ ( not available to the open market ).
- {Tex} + his family + friends strive to avoid mainstream & social media, are content being nobodies, striving to Live their Faith and better the lives of nobodies (e.g., this )